The newly-formed Pacific Association, replacing last year’s Northern division of the North American League, may get a professional independent baseball team. Should the new league get a lease at Wilson Park in Vallejo, CA then it may move last year’s Sonoma County Grapes travel team to Vallejo. Recent articles quote Pacific Association and San Rafael Pacifics executives as saying:
- a team which would move to Vallejo would be called the Admirals (possible logo here)
- there would be inter-league games against the Freedom Pro Baseball League, based in Arizona
- the stadium will need improvements and “tweaks”
- schedules have to be adjusted around the summertime Babe Ruth League team in the area
- Mike Shapiro, Pacifics owner, would serve as the GM for the Admirals
Here is the information of interest:
- Google Maps of the stadium
- Solano County, where Vallejo is based, had a previous team in the old Western League known as the Solano Steelheads
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That field looks ready to go in the Google map. But let’s hope they need more parking than the fields supply. They should make an arrangement to use the church parking lot next to it, but with a separate entrance gate and ticket booth from the church lot. AND they cannot play during church services either, when the church needs the lot for parishioners. That should be quite possible, and they will gain some fans from there as well.
However, the president of the parent team being GM of the child team? No way…that guarantees a losing team; no competition. Fans will see through that quickly, and not bother attending! Dumb.
Doesn’t make sense to interplay with the Freedom if the Maui teams do not also…unless they will have a parallel setup with the japan teams.
P.S. however, those church fans better eat a lot, because they will likely NOT be beer drinkers. God forbid you should have a nice crowd, right? Betcha they could. Daniel just ate vegetables. LOL!