New Atlantic League Stadium Speakers Bureau
Get MLB, MiLB, independent league, and summer collegiate league baseball game tickets- Click Here Here is an interesting aspect of new independent baseball stadium construction: […]
Get MLB, MiLB, independent league, and summer collegiate league baseball game tickets- Click Here Here is an interesting aspect of new independent baseball stadium construction: […]
One of the large appeals of minor league baseball (affiliated or independent) is when new ballparks are built. Here is something which helps explain the […]
Here is an interesting announcement from the Laredo Broncos of the United League. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH43zN0YKwY http://ballparkbiz.wordpress.com/2010/08/09/save-the-broncos/ The Broncos may be forced out of the city due […]
Here is an article about yet another proposed independent baseball stadium, and this one is proposed to be built in suburban Indianapolis, IN: http://www.ibj.com/the-score/2010/06/23/is-new-westfield-pro-baseball-team-taking-aim-at-indians/PARAMS/post/20714 If […]
Bob Wirz, who writes the Independent Baseball Insider column, has an excerpt from his column on the Ventura Group which owns multiple teams in the […]
Evidently, there are no takers for the naming rights to the Long Island Ducks (Atlantic League) stadium. Supposedly, several companies were contacted after the previous […]
Here is news about the possible new independent baseball stadium which would have been built in Fort Smith, Arkansas: http://www.swtimes.com/news/article_cf08eb1e-7176-11df-9e1e-001cc4c03286.html Again, it seems that people […]
In recent months, a significant number of new independent minor league baseball stadium construction deals have been announced. Most have been for teams to come […]
Here is a video about the Normal Cornbelters new independent baseball stadium. The team plays in the Frontier League: http://www.pantagraph.com/news/local/vmix_1f455916-699b-11df-afa7-001cc4c002e0.html
Here is information about the new independent baseball stadium to be built in Ramapo: http://rockland.lohudblogs.com/2010/05/27/ramapo-town-board-votes-to-allow-development-agency-bond-16-5m-bond-for-construction-of-a-baseball-stadium-when-the-time-comes/ This is an interesting situation because many of the pieces […]
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