It appears that Jose Offerman has decided to lose his cool again on the diamond:;_ylt=AgZeA6m.EYv_Yg_GO06Bvbs5nYcB?urn=mlb,214028
In 2007, Jose Offerman was playing for the Long Island Ducks when he attacked a pitcher with a bat during a game against the Bridgeport Bluefish:
Here are some videos relating to the 2007 incident:
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To be fair, the ump really knew how to sell the swinging elbow. The ump didn’t even get hit, and he broke fall like a pro. If anything, Offerman should have sold it better by stomping on the ground of slapping his thigh.
The only thing missing was a run in by Abe “Knuckleball” Schwartz to make the save for the umpire only to turn heel and whack him with the bat.