Slammers Plan All-Star Parade For Monday, July 10

Slammers Plan All-Star Parade For Monday, July 10

Source: Frontier League News

JOLIET, Ill.- The Joliet Slammers presented by ATI Physical Therapy will host an All-Star parade on Monday, July 10 to kick-off the week’s events surrounding the 2017 Frontier League All-Star Game coming to Joliet. The parade is set to begin at 6:30 p.m. Monday night and will travel downtown Joliet along Chicago Street. The exact parade route will be released closer to the event. All 60 Frontier League All-Stars, including those from Joliet, will be recognized in the parade. The Joliet Slammers are inviting area businesses and organizations to participate in the parade.  A $100 registration fee is required to participate with a portion of all parade proceeds going back to United Way. Parade registration forms and detailed information can be found on the Joliet Slammers website at under the All- Star Game tab. Organizations interested in participating can also call the Joliet Slammers at 815-722-2287 for more information. The Joliet Slammers return home this week to take on the Normal CornBelters Tuesday and Wednesday with both games starting at 6:05 pm. Tuesday, June 12 is a $2 Tuesday with reserved tickets only two dollars, and Wednesday is PJ night. Fans can wear their pajamas to the game for…

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