Source: Milwaukee Milkmen
For the most part, the Milwaukee Milkmen have played the Chicago Dogs very tough in each and every game this season. The Dogs have one of the most “destructive” offensive line-ups and their strength once again dominated in a 4-1 victory. The Milkmen were able to generate only seven hits over the game with the biggest one coming from Adam Walker. “Walk” hit his 22nd home run of the season which gave the Milkmen a lead in the early innings of the game.Joey Wagman pitched a very strong game going five innings and struck out six dogs…and only three earned runs. He had the Dogs line up off balance, frustrated and pitched one of the better games for the Milkmen against the Chicago club. The bull pen of Zach Hartman, Manny Corpas and Colby Morris finished the game in perfect fashion shutting out the Dogs in the last three innings. The…
Click here for the full story: DOGS DEFEAT MILKMEN IN CONTESTED GAME
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