The Pecos League has had some interesting news in recent days regarding its managers, turnover with civic leaders, and more:
- Justin Lowery, former manager of the Trinidad Triggers, is now the manager of the White Sands Pupfish (Alamogordo, NM):
- Bill Moore will return as the manager for the Santa Fe Fuego:
- The city of Trinidad (Colorado) has had turnover within its Chamber of Commerce. The civic leaders who brought in the Triggers are no longer with the city, and the Triggers office was located within the Chamber of Commerce. Andrew Dunn, Pecos League commissioner, will be meeting with the new city officials to discuss the future of the team:
- The Roswell Invaders, which became a road/travel team during the second half of the 2012 season, are looking to return to Roswell (New Mexico) for 2013. Andrew Dunn was quoted as trying to find a more favorable stadium lease and a hotel with rates which are more in line with what other Pecos League teams are paying:
Finally, the team needs to sell some more it’s team logo beer in Trinidad! 8 cases of Trinidad Triggers beer are left and must be sold by the end of the calendar year. Here is the announcement on the league website:
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