The Atlantic League has plans to expand into Virginia as early as next season. Some of the new locations include the announced Loudoun Hounds and Edelman Financial Field and the possibility of a privately-financed stadium in Virginia Beach.
Here is an article going into greater detail about the financing of those two efforts, as well as more on the stadium financing for affiliated teams throughout the rest of Virginia:
Some fans write to us and ask us why these types of articles are included as featured blog posts when there are scores, player stats and other information to feature. This is a great question and here are some of the reasons why:
- A good percentage of independent baseball’s current owners and operators believe that their sole focus should be on dominating the summertime live entertainment market within a 20 mile radius around their stadiums. Therefore, they hire and train people with a like mindset. We at believe that this should not be the sole focus (rather about 90%) because – due to technology – each team has the potential to be relevant (and profitable!) outside of that 20 mile radius. We believe that each team sits on the potential for a new possibility that up to 10% of revenues, one day, could come from outside traditional revenues like ticket sales, beer, parking and use of the stadium when the team is not playing.
- This website focuses on bringing items of interest to its readers around the country, therefore we tend to stay away from news which is only relevant to people in a tiny geographic area.
- Our belief that independent baseball, and its independence from the MiLB/MLB structure, has the ability to offer MORE than just “local, affordable family-friendly entertainment” (e.g. intellectual property such as “how to” baseball information). One way to differentiate itself from the MiLB/MLB structure, as well as other minor league sports in general, is to go deeper into the emotional needs of fans across the country. Independent baseball has an opportunity to be the first pro sports industry to address some of the deeper emotional needs of fans including:
- where their tax dollars go
- helping their kids get athletic scholarships
- loneliness
- helping people find gainful employment
- much more
We know that there are some terrific player and manager stories on these teams which have the possibility to inspire and motivate people across North America; and we will add those when we find and confirm them. We also want to be at the forefront of the industry to remind the insiders that they have the possibility of being relevant nationally, not just locally.
Stories like stadium financing affect the tax dollars of residents in Virginia, and people can learn about what is going on there before their tax dollars get spent on new stadiums elsewhere. Some of the same names from the 1990’s and early 2000’s keep popping up (not necessarily in the Virginia stadiums), so people around the country ought to have some idea of who is reputable and who needs more scrutiny before their tax dollars are spent.
In the future, should an independent team or league take the big step forward and change its business model to add things like selling intellectual property (which affects parents and kids nationally), helping people find employment by giving away lessons from sales/marketing/operations (helping people nationally), teaching people how to get people away from social media to live events locally (lessons which can address the topic of loneliness around the country), and similar initiatives then we will give those topics attention.
The business model of just being local, family entertainment CAN work – as evidenced by teams like the Long Island Ducks who have had over 600 consecutive sellout crowds – BUT it does not work in all markets. Independent baseball is littered with failed teams and leagues (since 1993), and not all had substandard people as owners and operators. Sometimes more has to be offered in order to turn a profit; and will help promote those efforts should they be worthwhile.
Should you agree with these sentiments then please leave your thoughts on the comments and/or like, share, re-tweet or otherwise forward this post to those whom you believe may find it useful. Thank you.
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