Here is the article and video clip from ABC News about the Brockton Rox situation:
Should you have constructive ideas to help the Rox, or any other independent league baseball team quietly in financial trouble, then you are welcome to post a comment here. Please no “flaming” or spamming. Constructive ideas to help the players who were overlooked, or the young executives who need a chance before moving onto bigger teams, are welcomed. If appropriate, you can include links to authority sites documenting your reasons for any suggestions.
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As long as people are ignorant of the difference between indy ball and collegiate wood-bat ball, there’s going to be a problem. This may not be the case in Brockton, but in places like Lynn, New Haven, Pittsfield, and Elmira, the casual fan is clueless as to the difference aside from what it costs them to get in to the game. So long as this is true, indy ball has a serious problem.
I am a lawyer from a town near Brockton who did some writing for the Pawtucket Red Sox and the Brockton Rox. I also wrote the Maple Street Guide to New England Ballparks. I think that one of the main problems with indy ball is that it’s very difficult for the fans to identify with the players. The turnover on the typical team is incredible. Once you get to know a player, it seems like they’re gone. I do not think the teams spend enough time and effort getting the public to know various players on the team and their personalities. Every fan needs someone to cheer for and follow.
I am not sure how to do this. But, as a student of sports history, we cannot underestimate the role of the media in building sports and creating identifiable personalities. I think the brand of baseball in the Can-Am League has definitely improved and the experience is very good. But it’s hard to get to know the players. As a media person, there was little information about the players in the league.
Having been a fan of the North Shore Spirit and the Can-Am League, I’m not sure that’s entirely true. The Spirit, Jackals, Rox and Uncle Miles’ team seems to have a core of 5-6 players that changed little from year to year. Granted, these were the *most* successful teams, so it’s natural that they (a) get the best players (b) keep the best players.
What I felt then and still feel now is that the indys need to surrender their websites to the league (like the Golden) and hire a professional (yeah, like me 😉 to do all the marketing and content, to ensure uniform look, feel, and most importantly *quality*. This is where you’re absolutely correct: The lesser teams care more about selling picnics and birthday parties than the team because they either feel they can’t afford to, or don’t see it as a priority.
Thing is, the Can-Am League has had its fair share of true indy superstars: Vic Davilla, Joel Bennett, Eddie Lantigua, John Kelly, Francisco Lebron, Andy Weimer, etc. These are the guys that need to be hyped — especially the likes of Davilla and Bennett, guys that had no prayer of making it back to affiliated ball but played for the love of the game.