The Ruidoso Osos team played in the Pecos League’s first season (2011). The team disbanded after that season due to a few issues:
- legal situation regarding the team’s original GM
- no lights at the stadium forcing day games to be played
- no beer sales
- managerial switch in mid-season
Despite those challenges, interim manager Tim Ferguson led the Osos to the first Pecos League championship series, ultimately losing to Roswell. The Pecos League just posted a story about the reasons for adding a Southern New Mexico team at some point in the future; and the article went in-depth to discuss the reasons why Ruidoso may be viable for a return in upcoming seasons:
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This “article” is the rambling of that madman Andrew Dunn. He thinks he can sway everyone to think like him. AND he isn’t very kind in print to those in the past that “let him down.” More like he didn’t do enough work ahead of time to make things happen well. He works only off of dreams, not reality, and he is a one trick pony…everything HAS to depend on beer, or in his mind it cannot happen. I think that’s a jaded outlook.
He expects to own the franchise in Ruidoso again, and that will only work if the good people of Ruidoso allow him to. Having cleaned up their act, it is really up to them as to whether a pro team comes to them again. Get a group to put up the needed lighting is really all they need. If they want to dicker with the city council on beer sales, so be it…but in my mind they can make it work without it. There IS more than one way to skin a cat, I hear…and I’ll bet Ruidoso knows what it is.
They should get the Osos name and logo back if they want it, unless that leaves negative connations of the first failed venture on their mind. Raton probably wants a motif that reflects THEIR community. But I do love the colors and logo…the hats could be better. It is lazy to go with an all black visor…that’s not too entertaining at all.
Raton isn’t doing too well this year…the town WILL want to send the Osos back to Ruidoso! As well maybe they should. But their are other options for the southern division, like trying again at Pecos TX.
Personally I think he should try expanding to the northeast…up to Guymon OK, and to Liberal or Garden City KS. Hungry aren’t they?