Many articles came out in the recent days about the formation of the new North American League, which is comprised from teams in these independent baseball leagues: United League, Northern League, and Golden League. Here are those articles:
Each article has some merits for you to take the time to read. Bob Wirz’s is the one with the most enthusiasm for the efforts as he understands the challenges yet also wants to see the new enterprise thrive because it could be good for the sport.
Other articles (not just the ones listed) express some concern over the fact that ULB was not a part of the IPBF (Independent Professional Baseball Federation). In fact, the Federation existed in name only as there is no director or third-parties overseeing anything for the benefit of all of the leagues as a whole. Certain leagues work better with others, and the Northern and Golden had already had joint efforts in 2010: a combined tryout + All Star Game.
More on the new NAL will be forthcoming, especially when there is an official website or other North American League office information.
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