wishes to offer our condolences to the family, friends, teammates, and fans of Jeriome Robertson. He was 33 years old and died in a motorcycle crash this past weekend:
He finished his career in the independent leagues, and his minor league stats can be seen here:
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just gonna start by saying that he was close to alot of people and i was one of those lucky ones.I just want to tell his mom im so sorry and his sister,i am from the same little town of lindcove we used to love playing woofleball and everytime i would pitch it he would hit a was hard to get that ball by jeromey but one thing i really apprieciate that jeromey did is he would come to my house and take time too teach my son how to play the game he loved.after my son started to learn he was in littleleague and it was my sons first year. jeromey would tell me that my son has patential and a coupleweeks after jeromey taught my son to swing the bat my son hits a homerun and jeromey wasnt supprised he said see when i see potential i see it.. but when jeromey past i was in disbeliefe and didnt know how to break it to my son. when i told him he broke down and was down for two days jeromey was my sons idol my son allways wanted to be by jeromey when he would come over its a sad lost and me and my son are gonna miss you jeromey love you bro ………..jack cramer ……..